Together, let's go further!

FlyPool becomes the application that transports your employees

How do your employees travel to work? Lack of parking space, traffic jams during peak hours, rising transport cost. You can provide them with a concrete, simple and free solution with our carpooling solution, dedicated to journeys to and from airports.

Offer them points

Directly pre-register all your employees with FlyPool, and give them a balance of FlyPoints automatically recharged every month. They will be able to benefit from free carpooling to come to/from work, or earn points by transporting their colleagues or even other airport employees.


Promote the solution

Do not hesitate to communicate with your employees about this new advantage that you are offering them! Better yet, make it known to travelers who take off and land at your airport: the more users there are, the more visible the positive effects on carpooling will be (more parking spaces available, less air pollution, etc.)


Contribute (if you want)

At FlyPool, there is no exchange of money between users, because our currency is Flypoint. However, if you wish to contribute to the sustainability of our solution, and its future development, we would welcome your making a donation, in the amount of your choice, once or every month, it is up to you.


Travel, ecology, carpooling… in a few figures

According to an Ipsos study, Europeans spend on average 2 hours per day in transport, and 65% of them use their cars. 58% of users are dissatisfied with traffic jams during rush hours.2 out of 3 users would be ready to stop using their car or use it less if they had concrete solutions.

So, what if you helped them with FlyPool?

We support NGOs, so should you too

By registering all your employees on FlyPool and enabling them to travel through carpooling, you also support important causes!


Want to be part of the Flypool adventure, and allow your employees to benefit from all its advantages? Nothing could be simpler, contact us via this form and we will put you in contact with the ambassador in charge of your geographical area.

Fill out the form and we will respond to you shortly.