Go to and come from any airport, anywhere in the world?
Looking for a carpool ride or a traveling companion?
Post your trip and collect points, or get a ride for free.
In advance or at the last moment, plan your journey from your home or hotel to the airport, or from the airport to your hotel or home, all from the FlyPool app. Carpool for free. with airport employees and travelers; the app matches your needs! Even better, earn FlyPoints when you offer your vehicle and use them for discounts with our partners or for low-cost items in the FlyPool shop.
Much better, choose the NGO to which we will donate the collected donations and advertising profits.
Drivers choose whether or not to charge for the trip. Passengers choose free or paid journeys, and can negotiate the fare of the journey. So you can earn Flypoints AND money! FlyPoints are given to you when you sign up, and when you run out of them, there are several ways to top up, including watching ads, which cost you nothing.
We know that airplanes are not the cleanest mode of transportation. So, to compensate, let’s do our best to reduce our carbon footprint in other areas. It starts with your journey from home to the airport, for example: carpool with Flypool!
FlyPool's goal is to help save the planet! By doing meaningful and sustainable work through the creation of a service concept, FlyPool ticks all the boxes for sustainable development, enabling ethical growth.